NautilusCD Startup utilusCD Startup System Arial Arial t :PRINTLAYOUT :REPORTDATA ou sure.. Sans Serif System versionID tartup utilusCD Startup Startup Sans Serif all Fonts Sans Serif Arial Small Fonts utilusCD Startup utilusCD Startup Serif 09 +w= 09{*w= utilusCD Startup utilusCD Startup utilusCD Startup utilusCD Startup utilusCD Startup NautilusCD Startup utilusCD Startup utilusCD Startup utilusCD Startup utilusCD Startup utilusCD Startup utilusCD Startup utilusCD Startup utilusCD Startup utilusCD Startup utilusCD Startup utilusCD Startup utilusCD Startup utilusCD Startup utilusCD Startup utilusCD Startup utilusCD Startup utilusCD Startup utilusCD Startup utilusCD Startup utilusCD Startup utilusCD Startup utilusCD Startup tartup utilusCD Startup utilusCD Startup version status *(:&+(y NautilusCD Startup Version 2.2 To display magazine cover, set your CD ROM drive letter via Preferences, and place a NautilusCD disc in the checkForDisc buttonUp buttonUp cdStatus cdStatus Check for disc... Preferences. Custom controls for playing each media type, turn button sounds on or off, etc. way you want to Disc Index. Use this searchable index as a guide to the contents of each the NautilusCD team. HELP! Display a Help file for more about setup options, how to use the Magazine, and more.c. way you want to Open Magazine... provides access to any NautilusCD magazine.ontents of each disc.the NautilusCD team. ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonUp mouseEnter status helpText mouseLeave status buttonUp playClick shutdown status buttonUp playClick shutdown " helpText Exit NautilusCD... mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown playClick buttonUp shutDown atusMsg buttonDown playClick buttonUp shutDown helpText Exit NautilusCD. Open Magazine Tools :PHYSSIZE openHelp openHelp helpText Open NautilusCD Help file. openHelp mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn buttonUp isViewer sendNCDCmd to this page buttondown btnDn buttonUp isViewer sendNCDCmd to this page :PHYSSIZE helpText Display Help file. openMagazine openMagazine helpText Open a new magazine... openMagazine mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn buttonUp isViewer sendNCDCmd to this page buttondown btnDn buttonUp isViewer sendNCDCmd to this page :PHYSSIZE helpText Open a magazine... openPrefs openPrefs helpText Set Preferences... openPrefs mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn buttonUp isViewer sendNCDCmd to this page buttondown btnDn buttonUp isViewer sendNCDCmd to this page :PHYSSIZE helpText Open Preferences... openIndex openIndex L helpText Open Disc Index. openIndex mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn buttonUp isViewer sendNCDCmd to this page buttondown btnDn buttonUp isViewer sendNCDCmd to this page &:PHYSSIZE 'helpText Open NautilusCD Index. cover z'startPos 300,1440 cover placer issue Prefs Forms onDown leavePage buttonUp showList enterPage popDriveList enterForm initViewerPrefs setViewerPrefs buttonDown saveForm ewerApp driveList viewerApp isValidDrive enterPage enterForm leavePage leaveForm enterForm romDrive driveList driveList menubar MenuBar openAnim OpenAnim quitPrompt quitPrompt initViewerPrefs buttonDown radio buttonUp radio checkedStr popupViewer customViewer customViewer viewerApp customViewer customViewer popupViewer checkedStr popupViewer driveList mType viewerApp CDAudio play CD audio tracks. Picture view bitmap pictures. view text documents. files. Select an application to stdFile vType showList popMenu menulist menuList srcFld listFld popDriveList selectDir pathName showList driveList driveList 2,3,4 GetDriveType nDrives drvList drvTypes isValidDrive GetDriveType initViewerPrefs ncdINI Audio,CDAudio,MIDI,Movie,Picture,Text Media Viewers custom customViewer, popupViewer, customViewer objList setViewerPrefs ncdINI Audio,CDAudio,MIDI,Movie,Picture,Text customViewer custom, customViewer popup Media Viewers objList saveForm romDrive MenuBar MenuBar OpenAnim OpenAnim quitPrompt QuitPrompt setViewerPrefs closeForm initPrefs default cdStatus keyDown leaveBook previous leaveForm first enterSystem statusMsg brkRequest myPath btnUp myPath enterSystem sizeToPage mhStartup leaveBook hideCover NautilusCD Startup leaveForm NautilusCD Startup keyDown DEVELOP previous DEVELOP first statusMsg status default btnUp brkRequest Forms status Prefs formType Prefs :PHYSSIZE To display media extensions... driveList buttonUp buttonUp listChoice buttonUp listChoice height Select CD ROM drive StillDown buttonStillDown buttonUp buttonStillDown 6popDriveList buttonUp 6popDriveList tonUp 6popDriveList W:\VOL4_6\a CDAudio :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE Movie :PHYSSIZE Picture :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE Audio :PHYSSIZE hlepText Open form mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonStillDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Select CD ROM drive designation from list of available drives. mouseLeave statusMsg buttonStillDown 6popDriveList buttonUp 6popDriveList statusMsg buttonStillDown 6popDriveList buttonUp 6popDriveList btnHilite false :PHYSSIZE menubar wdith Show menubar QuitPrompt wdith Prompt before quitting openAnim wdith Play disc animation when opening magazine audio checkedStr popupViewer popupViewer popup viewer customViewer custom viewer... customViewer CDAudio checkedStr customViewer popupViewer popup viewer customViewer custom viewer... customViewer checkedStr popupViewer popupViewer popup viewer customViewer custom viewer... customViewer movie checkedStr customViewer popupViewer popup viewer customViewer custom viewer... customViewer picture checkedStr popupViewer popupViewer popup viewer customViewer custom viewer... customViewer checkedStr popupViewer popupViewer popup viewer customViewer custom viewer... customViewer ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Exit and save these preferences. mouseLeave statusMsg buttonUp psaveForm mouseLeave statusMsg buttonUp psaveForm Cancel ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Exit without saving changes. mouseLeave statusMsg buttonUp closeForm mouseLeave statusMsg buttonUp closeForm Cancel erDown enterBook coverUp enterPage closeCover hideCover leavePage showCover windowSized leaveBook formSuspend formReturn coverDown mhInit displayCover enterBook cdStatus leaveBook cdStatus enterPage sizeToPage mhStartup cdStatus leavePage hideCover issue statusMsg Initializing NautilusCD... sizeToPage myPath NCDINIT.SBK 9initNautilus Please sure NautilusCD has been installed properly. statusMsg version Version versionID statusMsg Reading disc... displayCover closeCover statusMsg default mhStartup cdStatus displayCover issueID discINIStr romDrive versionCheck cover discINIStr romDrive issueName discINIStr issueID discINIStr NoDisc NoDisc closeCover isFile alias ncdCover style child tbkBitmap status ncdCover window tbkBitmap coverDown cover magazineName issueName discINIStr cover magazineID issueID discINIStr showCover default issName issID coverBmp coverHwnd coverDown playClick cover startPos cover startPos cover cover xUnit yUnit placer tbkPositionWindow McoverUp lParamHi lParamLo wParam winMsg coverUp cover cover startPos placer tbkPositionWindow cover romDrive cover magazineID openMagazine closeCover hideCover close ncdCover tbkBitmap cover magazineID magazineName issue issue default cover coverBmp coverHwnd hideCover cover window ncdCover state hide tbkBitmap coverBmp showCover cover issue cover magazineName issue placer tbkPositionWindow window ncdCover state show tbkBitmap play ncdCover tbkBitmap coverHwnd windowSized hideCover showCover cdStatus formSuspend hideCover formReturn showCover mhInit closeCover NautilusCD Memocription Form `hgag< ggagg agagg ggagh YR..Y uWWUuu nautcd.ico wwwwwww wwwwwww